When it comes to hair, I’m not the best person! As far as it goes in terms of experimenting, it’s either really between up….. or down… I never really do anything different other than a low or high ponytail, a bun, or just down and straight. I rarely curl and I have never dyed it!!


But one thing I’m dying to try because I just think it’s so adorable is the Minnie mouse style of hair.

It may seem like such a leap between simple.. or some will probably call it boring hair, to this style but since moving to London I have seen it on a number of girls and I love it!


It’s fairly easy to do too..


1)      Part just part your hair in the middle and separate it all the way down


2)      Put each side in a high pony tail


3)      Backcomb slightly to make the buns big and bouncy


4)      Put the two ponytails into buns and secure with hair grips or a hair band


Katy Perry most recently wore this look to the iHeartRadio festival… The Daily Mail called it ‘bizarre’ but the minute I start listening to what that newspaper prints will be a sad day.


Here is also a picture of one of my new favourite bloggers who goes by the name of Lulutrixabelle. She completely pulls off this look, making it look, in my opinion effortlessly stylish..


I hope you are more daring with your hair than I am with mine, definitely give this look a try too!


photo credits: picture 1: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2427836/Katy-Perry-pays-homage-iconic-Disney-character-bizarre-hairstyle-star-studded-iHeartRadio-music-festival.html

picture 2: http://www.lulutrixabelle.com/2013/08/turquoise-paisley.html#more